Monday, 6 October 2014

Labour Hypocrites

Letter to the Nantwich Guardian 6/10/14

I never cease to be amazed by the hypocrisy of the Labour Party. The last edition of your newspaper contained letters from the Labour Party PPC for Crewe and a Labour Borough Councillor bemoaning the high cost of housing and low levels of wages. Their failure to acknowledge the role of the Labour Party in causing these issues and the discredited solutions they offered are typical of Labour, who are more concerned with imposing their Political Ideology than the best interests of those they claim to represent.

Since Labour embraced EU Immigration Policy and opened our borders to 500 million people in 2004, net immigration has soared to around 250,000 per year (that we know about), making England the second most crowded country in Europe. Clearly, this puts incredible stress on our housing supply, thus increasing demand and prices.

This influx of predominantly low or unskilled labour has also caused ‘wage compression’. Excess supply will always cause prices to go down. I suggest that Labour Councillors and PPCs buy a basic A-Level Economics Book and look up ‘Supply and Demand’.

Their solutions? More borrowing – lumbering our children and grandchildren with even more debt. Much like Ed Milliband in his widely derided ‘Leader’s’ speech, they fail to mention the existing £1.5 trillion national debt run up by Gordon Brown’s deficit, gold sell-off, and the £120bn in PFI liabilities created by the man regarded by many economists as ‘The Worst Chancellor in History’.

The doctors, nurses, scientists and engineers we desperately need would be welcomed into our country under the points-based, Australian-style immigration policy proposed by UKIP. Building of affordable housing in our inner city areas by private developers should be encouraged by Development Zones, and controlled by locally accountable Planning Committees and Officers.

The real tragedy is that this Labour-induced triple-whammy of wage-compression, high cost of resources and high-demand on our Public Services hits those at the bottom of our society the hardest. Shame on Labour.

Cllr. Stuart Hutton CEng MIET.

UKIP Crewe and Nantwich.

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