Monday, 14 July 2014

Labour - Stealing Christmas and Taking our Liberty.

Cllr Kevin Hickson, the Leader Grinch  of Crewe Town Council has demanded that Nantwich Town Council produce evidence that they own the lights caught up in the ‘Fairylightsgate’ scandal. 

Unfortunately for Cllr. Hickson, in this country the burden of proof is on the prosecution, not the accused. This is one of the essential freedoms of our country, written in Magna Carta, that have underwritten our laws, and protected the innocent for centuries.

It’s also one of the hard fought freedoms that he and his EU-mad Labour Cronies want to sacrifice in their support for adopting the EU Arrest Warrant, under which Foreign Police Forces can arrest, extradite and hold British Subjects in Foreign Jails, for unspecified periods, with no proof of their guilt whatsoever. Shame on them.

Vote UKIP in 2015.

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