Monday, 14 July 2014

Labour - Stealing Christmas and Taking our Liberty.

Cllr Kevin Hickson, the Leader Grinch  of Crewe Town Council has demanded that Nantwich Town Council produce evidence that they own the lights caught up in the ‘Fairylightsgate’ scandal. 

Unfortunately for Cllr. Hickson, in this country the burden of proof is on the prosecution, not the accused. This is one of the essential freedoms of our country, written in Magna Carta, that have underwritten our laws, and protected the innocent for centuries.

It’s also one of the hard fought freedoms that he and his EU-mad Labour Cronies want to sacrifice in their support for adopting the EU Arrest Warrant, under which Foreign Police Forces can arrest, extradite and hold British Subjects in Foreign Jails, for unspecified periods, with no proof of their guilt whatsoever. Shame on them.

Vote UKIP in 2015.

Thursday, 10 July 2014

Another Red Riposte - Letter to the Crewe Chronicle 10/7/14

In his recent letter, Labour PPC Dr Adrian Heald claimed that EU Membership was important for UK Manufacturing. Once again, he has demonstrated a complete lack of understanding of both Economics and Manufacturing. As a Chartered Engineer, engaged in manufacturing for the entirety of my working life, I will explain why, with fact and figures, he is totally wrong.

Dr. Heald infers that if the UK were not a member of the EU, manufacturers would not be able to sell products into this market. This is nonsense. The UK would remain within the EEA (the European Economic Area) and rejoin EFTA (the European Free Trade Area), giving full access to this market.

The UK currently has a trade deficit of around £60bn per annum with the rest of the EU. We are the EU’s biggest export market. Hence, the imposition of anything other than a Free Trade Agreement post UK-exit would actually hurt the EU more and is hence extremely unlikely.

He quoted the EEF and CBI. These are the people that predicted a disaster for the UK if we didn’t join the Single Currency back in 1999.

The EU ‘green’ taxes levied on our energy make it extremely difficult for heavy industries to operate here, causing most to relocate to emerging economies, where energy is produced from the dirtiest coal-fired power stations, as opposed to the relatively clean gas we burn here in the UK.

The EU provides grants (from our taxes) for companies here in the UK to move their manufacturing to Eastern Europe, costing thousands of jobs. The huge amount of unnecessary regulation imposed on UK Manufacturers makes it uncompetitive to operate here, compared with economies outside the EU.

The high-tech manufacturing sector has a terrible skills-shortage, which holds us back. The skilled and qualified engineers we need, from India, China, the US, etc. are discriminated against and deterred from coming here because of the unfair EU immigration policy the government has adopted.

The restrictive and complex tendering rules for large, public projects with which the UK is forced to comply are rarely adhered to on the continent, where almost every train, ambulance and police car is manufactured in those states. This has caused the near disappearance of our Rail Industry.

In 2005, the EU banned the UK government from extending a credit line to MG-Rover to help it find a buyer before it fell into receivership, at the cost of 6,000 jobs. In 2013, the French Government pumped around €5bn in to Renault, completely unchallenged, and continues to do so.

Of all the major world economies, only the EU, held back by over-regulation and the disaster of the Euro, has a shrinking share of global GDP. As part of this protectionist block, the UK is deterred from trading with growth economies around the world. The UK currently exports more to Ireland and Belgium than it does to China. The EU actively bans the UK from entering into Trade Agreements of our own with these new, global economic powerhouses.

By leaving the EU, we can return to being an outward looking, internationalist trading country, and trade with our natural markets, all around the world.

The truth is that the EU is a massive hindrance to British Industry. Please don’t be taken in by the uninformed, unreasoned scare stories of people like Dr. Adrian Heald. Just consider the facts and figures for yourself.

Cllr. Stuart Hutton CEng (UKIP Crewe and Nantwich).