Sorting through a few old letters, I happened across this beauty from October 2012. Unfortunately, Mr Timpson wasn't swayed by my clear and reasoned arguments and has since stated he will vote to stay in the EU, without even an idea of what David Cameron will pointlessly try to renegotiate. Even if DC did manage to achieve concessions from Germany and France, we know what they are made of from previous experience. Tony Blair's agreement for CAP reform, anyone?... thought not.
of Parliament for Crewe and Nantwich
30 Victoria Square
I first congratulate you on your recent appointment to the position of Minister
for Children. I am aware of your hard work for Fostering and Children’s
Charities, and can think of no better person for the job.
you for your letter of 17/9/12 in response to my email calling for a referendum
regarding the United Kingdom’s
continued membership of the EU. However, I take issue with some of the points
you raise.
piecemeal concessions you list in your letter go nowhere near far enough in
achieving an acceptable position for the United Kingdom with respect to the
EU. People in our country are still enduring the effects of cuts in public
services, whilst the EU squanders billions of pounds of our taxes on needless,
vanity projects like the ‘Museum of European History’ in Brussels. Food prices rise by the day whilst
thousands of tonnes of fish are plundered from our seas by subsidised foreign
fishing boats, only to be thrown back dead because they do not fall with the
EU’s ‘Landing Quota’. Unchecked
migration of people from Eastern Europe
continues to put huge pressure on our public services, infrastructure and welfare
system, whilst deserving people who have paid into the system all their lives are
let down. None of the concessions you list in your letter change any of this.
I gather that the Conservatives in the European Parliament did nothing to oppose
the French Legal Action in response to the calls for a reduction in the
incredibly costly and totally unnecessary number of sessions held at the Strasbourg Parliament Building.
How can the Government claim that EU membership is important to reform it from
within, yet sit on their hands when a perfect opportunity to do so arises? This
pathetic performance goes some way to explain why membership of the
Conservative Party has almost halved during David Cameron’s leadership, with
many thousands opting to join UKIP, as I have done.
significant change in our relationship with the EU would clearly require
negotiation at a number of levels. To achieve the best settlement from any
negotiation, one must enter into it when the other party is in its weakest
position. The EEC took advantage our weak position in 1975, when our existing
relationship was agreed. It is clear that the Eurozone countries are moving
towards a more closely integrated, Federal
European Superstate.
This is not what the vast majority of people in our country want for Britain. Now is
the ideal time to re-negotiate our
am pleased that you raise the subject of the EU-South Korean Free Trade Deal.
Whilst Korean Manufacturers have enjoyed a sales surge in Europe, our embattled
domestic manufacturers have experienced anything but in Korea, where
protectionist government purchasing policies and legislative blocks still
exist. The deal has been openly criticised by both Stephen Odel, the head of
Ford Motor Company’s European Operations, and Sergio Marchionne, the head of
FIAT, both authorities in Manufacturing Industry and International Trade. The
former asserts that the deal will cost around 70,000 manufacturing jobs in Europe, already in the grips of a deep recession and high
unemployment. For the EU to have negotiated a deal which ignores ‘non-trade
barriers’ and fails to include a ‘snap-back’ clause is amateurish to say the
find it incredible that you can find cause to celebrate the very same Trade Deal
in your letter.
Trade was once something at which our country excelled. We pioneered it. It was
the basis for the growth of British Power and Influence all around the world, a
vehicle for co-operation and peace, and the reason why English is spoken in
every corner of the globe. To surrender our ability to strike our own trade
deals to unelected, unaccountable and clearly incompetent EU Trade
Commissioners is demonstrably bad for Britain. To claim that Britain is
better off in a larger trading block is also nonsense. The UK is the world’s 5th biggest
economy, and our international partners both in Europe
and around the world are eager to trade with us.
implore you to back calls a straightforward ‘In-Out’ Referendum on EU
membership, so the British People can have their say on the billions lost to
fraud and corruption, the misappropriated funds, the thousands of tonnes of
fish ‘discard’, the white elephant of Strasbourg, the unfair Common Agricultural
Policy, calamitous Economic Policies, the black hole of the Euro, and
uncompetitive and restrictive Trade Deals. If you need any more good reasons to
hold a referendum at the earliest opportunity, please let me know by return as
I will be happy to provide many more.
Stuart Hutton (UKIP).