Speech to UKIP North West Conference 2012, Liverpool, 3/11/12.
I became a part of UKIP because I believe
In liberty! I don’t like being bossed around, I don’t like being told what to do, not by our government, and certainly not one I can’t vote for if I don’t like what the’re doing. - and I don’t think you should either.
I believe in opportunity! If you’ve got the drive and determination to do something great, and benefit societyalong the way, you should be given all the help you need, whatever your background.
I believe in fairness! People should be incentivised to work harder and smarter, not punished with higher taxes!
I believe in individuals! People are wonderful and different. Everyone has something to contribute to society, and their talents should be embraced, encouraged and harnessed for everyone’s benefit.
I believe in Industry! and its importance - economic, strategic and to our communities. British Companies, given a level playing field, and freedom from the state interference and EU regulation can generate prosperity and employment.
I believe in Internationalism! –Spreading peace, freedom and democracy around the world through trade and co-operation.
I left the Conservative Party after 10 years, when it became clear, that they’d pulled a massive con trick. They espoused my beliefs, my values and my hopes for the future. For the country where my children will grow up.
And yet… under David Cameron, they’ve sought to keep Britain under the thumb of the EU, sacrificedour Factories on the altar of European regulation, denied our Children the opportunities to succeed, sold a generation of young people down the river and trampled democracy into the ground by denying us the referendum we were promised and stifling debate.
I announced my resignation at a local Conservative Party event. I wasn’t on the list of speakers, but that didn’t stop me I’m very pro-active, you know…. . I’d be delighted to share that resignation with you now.
Oh Mister Cameron, what have you done?
You promised us a referendum
On whether Britain is in or out
Of the overinflated Brussels Sprout
Where accountants fear to tread,
Budgets fudged, accounts in the red
Can’t balance the books, despite all their clerks
They’re more concerned with the one by Marx.
Fifty million pounds a day
To Brussels the British people pay
For conference centres, factories and trains
In Poland, Italy, Hungary and Spain
While policemen, nurses and soldiers are sacked
Holes in our roads and our sewers cracked.
There’s better places for pounds to go
Debts to pay, an economy to grow.
Cathy Ashton, I’ve always suspected
Has never even been elected
She’s no experience of Foreign Affairs
But very good friends with Tony Blairs.
Barruso, Van Rumpuy paid more than Obama
To tell us how straight should be a banana.
They want our prisoners to vote for our cops
Please wake me when this nightmare stops.
At sixty years the French retire
For five more years us Brits perspire
So, enjoy your wine, your brie and baguettes
Just leave it to us to pay your debts.
To tens of thousands we opened our border
But half a million’s out of order.
We gave up our rebate, opened our sea
We didn’t oppose the C.A.P.
We’ve obeyed every law, directive and wish
But all they’ve done is taken our fish!
Their Economics is terribly flawed
We told them before, but were always ignored
Now such a mess, the choice is stark
Forced integration or break up this lark
Throw good after bad – their only answer
Who could trust these cheats and chancers?
The game is up, it’s a busted flush
The fat lady’s sung, and gone off in a rush.
Now is the time for action, E.C.
But not even Frank and Angie agree.
So, Mr Cameron, David, Dave
Now’s the time for you to be brave
Don’t be afraid of little Nick
No-one likes that interfering p----
Oh, you can’t leave, just think you’ll miss”
It doesn’t seem to bother the Swiss!
So do what’s right, for all in our land
And don’t let in whatsisface... Milliband.
So please Mr C, make good your word
Give us our say! we must be heard!
Dreadfully sorry to rock your ship,
But I’ve had enough – I’m joining UKIP.
David Cameron has misunderstood one very important thing about Traditional Conservative types – we are do-ers! We won’t ‘sit and wait’, we won’t ‘stand by’ and we won’t‘make do’… while Great Britain –- slides in exorably into a second rate backwater of a country,
powerless and bereft of the identity and spirit that spurred those Great Britons that went before us in shaping the modern world… Newton, Brunel, Faraday and Turing…
Our country needs urgent and decisive action to save it from years of decline, not dithering, not compromise – and certainly not the interference of the EU! - THAT’s why membership of the Conservative Party has halved since Dithering Dave became its leader.
But I’ve got a little saying – don’t get mad – get busy! So I joined UKIP, to make a difference!
Because I want to belong to a party…
for whom politics is the means and not the end.
a party with a range of policies based on common sense, good science and sound economics – NOTsoundbites and NOT headlines.
A party that serves the Best Interests of the people it represents, not those from whom it seeks personal favours.
A party that remembers how GREAT the United Kingdom can be as an independent, adventurous and ambitious country, and knows how we can be again.
A party with a membership who care deeply about their country and would fight to make it place where our children have opportunity, and not debt.
A party with elected representatives who’ve been there, and done it, not just read about it.
A party with a proper leader with the courage and conviction to stand up for our hopes, ourbeliefs and a brighter future.
A party to but the backbone back in to Britain.
A party called UKIP!!
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